The BLOOM365 Glossary of Important Terms



Teen Dating Violence (aka relationship abuse) is a pattern of controlling and/or violent behaviors to maintain power over a dating partner. Dating Violence can be verbal, emotional, physical and/or sexual—and can cause low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, injury, and even death. Its many forms include:

  • Threats to harm self or their dating partner
  • Humiliation such as insults and name calling
  • Intimidation
  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Possessive jealousy
  • Controlling what someone wears, their friendship circle, and more
  • Hitting, punching, kicking, pinching
  • Sexual harassment, coercion, or rape
  • Financial control

Sexual Violence is any sexual activity where consent isn’t freely given. Most forms of sexual violence are criminal acts. Sexual Violence affects people of all genders, sexual orientations, and ages. It includes but isn’t limited to:

  • Sexual coercion (forcing, convincing, or threatening someone to engage in sexual activity)
  • Sexual harassment (stalking, inappropriate jokes, comments or gestures, un-welcomed advances, etc.)
  • Rape (sexual intercourse or penetration without consent)
  • Child sexual abuse (sexual assault of a minor by an adult)

​Consent is given with a firm, enthusiastic “YES!” Saying “maybe” does NOT mean yes!

Risk Factors are the circumstances or experiences that increases the chance a young person will develop controlling, abusive or violent behaviors. They include:

  • Lack of parental support and supervision.
  • History of bullying others or being bullied.
  • Belief in rigid and toxic gender roles.
  • Poor coping, communication, or social skills.
  • Experienced childhood trauma. (Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs).
  • Exposure domestic/sexual violence.
  • Use of alcohol or drugs
  • Association with violent peers.
  • Maltreatment or instability as a child.
  • Low self-esteem and/or sense of powerlessness.
  • Access to a firearm.
  • Lack of positive peer relationships.
  • Friends, family, schools, communities that tolerate violence.
  • Inability to show empathy for others.
  • Isolated from support services in and out of school

Source: Center for Disease Control

Protective Factors are characteristics at the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels that are associated with reducing the risk for violent behaviors. They include:

  • Healthy communication and coping skills.
  • Positive self-esteem.
  • Mastery of a non-violent skill, sport and/or hobby.
  • Positive peer relationships.
  • Access to caring and trusted adults at school and/or in the community.
  • Family/parent support, connectedness, and stability.
  • Ability to show and feel empathy.
  • Communities and laws that support violence prevention.
  • Sense of belonging at school.
  • Safe home environment, free of abuse and violence.
  • Commitment to school work/doing well at school.

Source: Center for Disease Control

  • Unhealthy Gender Norms: gender stereotypes and societal expectations that justify, trivialize, or normalize power and control based violence and affect help-seeking
  • Insecurity: feeling powerless, inferior or “not good enough”
  • Exposure to Violence as a Child: child abuse and neglect or witnessing a parent experiencing violence can increase the risk of violence perpetration later in life
  • Social Acceptance: ignoring attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that tolerate abuse and violence
  • Choice: the intentional choice to hurt or disrespect someone in order to gain power and control
  • Taught Abusive Behavior: abuse is learned when it is witnessed in families, influenced by friends, glorified in popular culture, ignored in communities, and/or condoned in media or society

Over 25% of young people between of 13 and 24 have reported being abusive or violent to a current or former dating partner. Verbal and emotional abuse, physical and sexual violence, possessive jealousy, and coercive control are the common tactics individuals use to gain power and control. To reduce the risk of social and emotional harm and interpersonal violence-related deaths, we must recognize the red flags, reduce risk factors and prevent root causes. Learn more. <–THIS NEEDS TO GO TO GD!!

  • 98% are male
  • 2% killed family members or intimate partners and/or
  • had a history of domestic or sexual violence
  • 80% accessed their firearms from family members
  • Most experienced early childhood trauma and exposure to violence at an early age (ACEs)
  • 66% have a history of suicidal ideation and/or depression
  • Most went through a significant life stressor within 5 years
  • Most communicated their threats online
  • All feel powerless and inflict harm on others to gain a false
  • sense of power and control (this is their motive)

Sources: FBI & Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center
