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Teen Dating Violence (aka relationship abuse) is a pattern of controlling and/or violent behaviors to maintain power over a dating partner. Dating Violence can be verbal, emotional, physical and/or sexual—and can cause low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, injury, and even death. Its many forms include:
Sexual Violence is any sexual activity where consent isn’t freely given. Most forms of sexual violence are criminal acts. Sexual Violence affects people of all genders, sexual orientations, and ages. It includes but isn’t limited to:
Consent is given with a firm, enthusiastic “YES!” Saying “maybe” does NOT mean yes!
Risk Factors are the circumstances or experiences that increases the chance a young person will develop controlling, abusive or violent behaviors. They include:
Source: Center for Disease Control
Protective Factors are characteristics at the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels that are associated with reducing the risk for violent behaviors. They include:
Source: Center for Disease Control
Over 25% of young people between of 13 and 24 have reported being abusive or violent to a current or former dating partner. Verbal and emotional abuse, physical and sexual violence, possessive jealousy, and coercive control are the common tactics individuals use to gain power and control. To reduce the risk of social and emotional harm and interpersonal violence-related deaths, we must recognize the red flags, reduce risk factors and prevent root causes. Learn more. <–THIS NEEDS TO GO TO GD!!
Sources: FBI & Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center
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